
Contact Us
Company name / Name:
Antalfa utca 93., Budapest, 1158, Hungary
Phone number:
Shop name:
Tax number:
Registration number:
Bank account number:
Contact person name:
Kovács Tímea
Contact person´s phone number:
Contact person´s e-mail address:
TiMEbox/PiciCake delivery - Only in Budapest
We deliver to you directly.
Only in Budapest.
Only delivery option for PiciCake order.
Shipping cost: 1 000 Ft
Foxpost parcel machines (sending parcels to the machine)
Foxpost is a simple, flexible, environmentally conscious and contactless package collection method. Ask for your order at any Foxpost parcel machine so you don’t have to wait all day for the courier. As soon as your package arrives, Foxpost will send the receiving code via SMS and email.

Fee: 1200 HUF
Shipping cost: 1 700 Ft
GLS home delivery
GLS offers a high level of parcel delivery. One of the largest courier services in the European market, all with reliable lead times and package management, user-friendly, modern IT support and flexible, custom solutions.

Delivery fee: 1800 HUF
Shipping cost: 2 600 Ft
GLS Package Point
Hundreds of GLS Package Points operate in Hungary. Parcel delivery locations can be found in stores with different profiles. Most GLS Package Points are open between 10am and 8pm, but many of them are already available to customers. Companies or individuals - anyone can send and receive their package via GLS Package Points.

Shipping cost: 1400 FT
Shipping cost: 2 300 Ft
Personal pickup at district XV
Your order can be picked up after prior arrangement in the XV. district.
Address: 1156 Páskomliget Street 50.
Order total
Shipping cost
0  Ft
Ezzel szállítási móddal a Magyar Posta fiókjaiba vagy MOL töltőállomásokra kérheti a csomag kiszállítását.
Shipping cost: 1 300 Ft
MPL futárszolgálat
Az MPL a Magyar Posta csomagszállítási szolgáltatása. A világ bármely szegletébe, gyorsan, kényelmesen, megfelelő áron, az egyedi igényeknek is megfelelve kínál futárszolgáltatást.
Shipping cost: 1 990 Ft
Bankkártyás fizetés
Fizess gyorsan és egyszerűen bankkártyával.
Advance payment
Data required for advance payment:

Name: Tímea Kovács
Bank account number (OTP Bank): 11773157-00347808
Notice: Please enter the order number in the comment field!
Cash on delivery
In case of cash on delivery, we charge an additional cost:

500 HUF / package (if the amount of the cash on delivery is between 1 and 30.000 HUF)
990 HUF / package (if the amount of the cash on delivery is over 30.000 HUF)

We do not charge cash on delivery within the territory of Budapest for purchases of more than 20.000 HUF.
Contact Us
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