Girls night card

The essence of girls' nights is to have fun with your friends and unwind. Nowadays, it's challenging to keep everything under control, and organizing such evenings is not easy. Here's a little help: the Girls' Night Out Card with 10 cards full of program ideas and conversation topics will guide your evenings.

Girls' nights: gatherings with friends that you'll never forget. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, these occasions are priceless, and now there's something extra that makes them even more memorable - the Girls' Night Out Card! Connect spiritually, listen to each other, and open up to each other for a long-lasting, strong relationship.

What will you find in it?

  • 10 exciting cards: Each card is filled with different program ideas and conversation topics to make each evening special.
  • Common plans: Plan future trips, activities, or simply decide when you'll meet again.
  • Remembering the past: Reminisce about shared memories and old stories.
  • Love and other destinies: Talk about love, dates, and your funniest relationship experiences.
  • Creative creation: Bring out the art within you and create something beautiful together.
  • Truly converse: Steer the evening towards discussions you may have never had the chance to address before.

How to use it? Take out the deck during your gathering and choose what you'd like to discuss or realize. You can also leave it to chance for a truly spontaneous day! The best part is that it's almost impossible to tick off everything in one evening, so you can bring it out multiple times to go through all the points - and if you choose the same thing again, it will provide a completely different experience as time goes by.

The card is in Hungarian.

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